Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday in San Sebastian

Ola from San Sebastian once again!

First, I just wanted to point out to all of you Peru and Thailand parents out there that we are fortunate to have Internet access for the sponsors at the hostel each night. So it is a little bit easier for us to update than where our wonderful, beautiful cohorts are- and we miss you all very much and think about you often you wonderful, beautiful cohorts. (Even though I will say that all of the non-alphabetic characters on the Spanish keyboard are in different places so I keep on having to find all of the _, @, ", etc.!) I also am required to use a little bit more ambiguous wording concerning our activities compared to the other groups, but I know that you are hearing our heart through our updates!

Today we started the day with a wonderful time of singing, reflection, and reading. It was great! Then we took the train to a nearby beach-side city where we met another couple who are social workers who specialize in cultural exchanges. He showed us his almost-completed store front where they have gotten a permit to hold a Bible Association. Basically, it is a place where members of the association can come and study the Bible as a piece of literature. After a quick outside lunch, we then watched and played with about 11 kids from a couple of families to give their parents some much-needed free time. We played outside (a lot!), did crafts, read stories, and watched Larry Boy! (Lynelle, I know Joe would be jealous!) It was a great time of fellowship and service for us.

Tomorrow is our first visit to the schools. We have been invited to participate in cultural exchanges in three schools Monday through Friday. The social workers we are partnering with are very excited about this new open door to exchange cultures!

Until tomorrow!

Laura Montgomery and the Spain team

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