Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Schools Day 2

Ola from San Sebastian once again!

Today we spent our second day in the schools. We traveled early this morning to the far side of San Sebastian where we met with 5 different English language classes at the upper school (primarily 17-18 year olds). Our kids paired up with these students and talked about their culture, our culture, and everything in between for over FIVE HOURS!!!! They did such a GREAT job! Even though they were having a lot of the same conversations over and over again with different sets of students, you would never had known it by their enthusiastic expressions and conversations! I will tell you though, that once we ended about 2:00, even our big talkers were exhausted (and very very hungry!). We celebrated a successful morning with an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet on the beach. Can I tell you that I think it was the best Chinese food I have ever eaten????

For the afternoon/evening we split up into two groups again- one to another school and the other walking around the city. The group that went to the school was able to interact with one of our participants from Saturday´s cultural exchange and she was SO excited to see her friends again!

It was such a great day! Tomorrow we head back to the school that some of our students were at on Monday, but this time we will be talking with younger students- 13-14 years old. Thursday is our "fun" day with a planned excursion into France and shopping---although each day has been fun! I can´t believe that our time is almost up!

Until Tomorrow-
Laura Montgomery and the Spain Team

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