Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Alive and Well in Lima

Where to start? Where to start?

First, I now realize my last blog was filled with typing and spelling errors -- worse than normal that is. I was SO tired that night I could barely think straight. So, I apologize you had to suffer through that. I hope you got the main idea. :)

Looking at our original agenda, you would think we would be doing the same thing each day -- practice English with Peruvian students, but everyday has been a new adventure. Monday found us visiting 3 public elementary schools in a poor area of Callao. The Colegio America school is setting up a mentoring program with these schools in an effort to give their students some community service experience and honestly assist the poor schools. We basically were phase one of this partnership. Most of the children we worked with had lead poisoning and their socio-economic status was the lowest we have seen here. We quickly found that teaching English wasn't the main need. Instead we did a lot of playing, laughing, and hugging, and we exposed them to very simple English concepts. The first school surprised us since we had been spoiled at the Colegio America school. But the kids quickly readjusted and did great the rest of the day. Oh -- make sure you ask them about the bus ride! They decided the bus driver needs his own reality show "Driving in Lima!" :)

Monday evening most of the team walked along the cliffs overlooking the ocean and timed it to see the sun set. Then we ate dinner at a neat mall that sits right in the cliffs (an amazing feat of engineering really). I say "most" because Tim Mitchell took Nicole M. and me to a clinic to have Nicole's arm x-rayed. The night before she had fallen on the concrete floor, and since it was still swollen and painful I decided to play it safe. In the 3 years I lived in Lima I never went to the clinic, so this was another adventure. But I tell you what, God's favor was all over us! We were able to get in to see an English speaking Orthopedic, quickly got x-rays and the doctor himself set her half-cast. (no broken bones, he just wanted to make sure her arm was steady and could heal) We did all of this in 2 hours!!!! Trust me when I say that this was a miracle! :)

Just FYI -- we have been blessed with GREAT health. We have had an occasional head-ache, but that is really all. Oh, and I know anyone who knows me well, will find great humor in the fact that I was the one to go with Nicole to the clinic. :)

Today we were up and on the road early for an hour + bus ride to an area in northern Lima. We had asked you to pray that we would get into a Nikkei school, and God answered that prayer better than we asked. We didn't get into the original one, instead God opened up a brand new door at a Nikkei school in Comas that Tim had no prior contact with! When we arrived at school we were greeted by Kindergartners singing and waving flags. It was so cute! We divided into 5 teams to work in the elementary classes and were blessed by their enthusiasm. After that, we were treated to a dance lesson. The dance teacher taught us 3 Peruvian dances...and it was so fun! I so should have video taped it!! We also toured an animal farm, an organic farm, and their own Japanese/Peruvian museum. After being treated to lunch we worked in the 7th-11th grade classes all afternoon. Once again, our kids did wonderful. The Peruvians were shy because this was their first time to hear American's speak English in person. But, we won them over! We also had several opportunities to share the gospel.

Tonight we have relaxed and prepared for another day. Tomorrow includes a chapel service at the International Christian School, a tour of the Japanese Cultural Center, prayer walking, visiting a Huaca (archaeological dig) and maybe even souvenir shopping.

Please keep praying for us. Specifically we need energy to finish strong. These kids have been pouring out and doing everything that is asked of them. Please pray that God will fill them again and again with his strength. Tomorrow we do get to sleep in a bit, which is a welcomed blessing. Thursday we will sight-see in downtown Lima and on the coast. Before you know it, we will be back in Fort Worth.

God is at work in Lima! I can't wait for you to see pictures and hear the testimonies from the kids!

Adios for now!

Lynelle and the Peru Crew!

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