Thursday, March 12, 2009

Peru Crew

The Peru crew is checking in all safe and sound!

We were late leaving DFW and unfortunately sat in the airplane a long time, but everyone got along fine. In Miami we just had enough time for a bathroom break and to walk to the international concourse. As soon as our group found some floor space, they started calling for the first boarding group. The overnight flight to Lima was uneventful. Everyone tried to sleep, some found more success than others. (Just FYI – even Jairus did GREAT! What an answer to a prayer – he has been a trooper and is responding great to the high school kids. Katie, Hannah, and Nicole D should have a good refresher in the alphabet after the flight to Miami. And A’lia and Colton will forever have to count to 3 and jump with Jairus everywhere we walk. I tried to warn them!)

We had no problems maneuvering through immigration and everyone got a green light through customs! Yea God!! Tim Mitchell was waiting for us with a BIG bus hauling a luggage cart. Now we have settled into the guest house for a little nap before we start the day.

Along with the general prayer requests, here is how you can pray for us for today and tomorrow.
Today we will have orientation and organization. We need to sort through the 800 lbs of stuff we brought in and get organized for tomorrow. Please pray that we will be efficient with our time and for everyone to be able to work together in their teams.

Tomorrow we will leave here about 7 to head to the Colegio Americano school. Pray for favor with their English director and with the students. Pray for a smooth transition of our group into the classrooms. Also pray that our kids with shine with the love of Christ – they will teach English with excellence and also be a bright light. May that school be different because we were there. May the Peruvian students be drawn back to our English Club on Saturday because they know there is something different in a spiritual sense.

Thank you for praying. You are a vital part of this team. We need you!

I will try to update tomorrow night and Lord willing may even have some pictures to share.

Lynelle Wolfe :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm thrilled to hear that you all arrived safe and sound. We are praying for you and can't wait to hear about all the ways that God is working in and through you. Give Travis and Jairus a big hug for me! Remind Joe that Saturday is PI DAY!
