Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 1 Arrival

We made it! After leaving DFW at 7 am (arriving at the airport at 5:20!!!!), we arrived safely in Tegucigalpa a little after noon. AND-- ALL our luggage arrived with us! This may be a first in my trips to Honduras. After lunch and an hour ride to Talanga, we have settled into our hotel. We had a short walk around Talanga to acquaint ourselves with the sights (and smells) of Honduras. Our eyes have already been opened to the extreme poverty of the area as we made our trek in...shanty homes built out of little more than corrugated metal, leftover wooden pallets, and whatever cardboard they can scavenge.

We have had a lovely dinner with our new Canadian friends at their home outside of Talanga. We will soon head back to the hotel in Talanga for our first night of devotion. Pray that God gives us each specific revelation tomorrow. We are praying for eyes to see and ears to hear God's direction in the day.

Tomorrow morning starts early as we head to breakfast at 7!!! We will spend the day at two of the orphanages, Helping Hands and Proyecto Manuelita. Thank you for your prayers!

Our feet are in Honduras and our hearts are for the nations,



  1. Thanks for the update--praying and thinking of you guys all day! Congratulations on the luggage. ;) I can't wait to hear more!

  2. yippee!! Great first day report! I know God has great things waiting for you. Remember, he has perfect multi-tasking. He will work in you and through you at the same time! :)

  3. Great news. So glad all the luggage made it. Praying for you all. Love you.

  4. My heart is full in anticipation of what Poppa is going to do. Big Poppa, small problems. He is going to use each of you to show His bigness. I'm thankful for each of you that said yes to this call. You could have spent your spring break sleeping, and playing but sacrificed your own time to represent HIM well. Go for it. Don't hold back. This will be a season that you never forget. Praying for each of you to hear well and be bold.
    Give my son a hug. Tell him he got a big scholarship today from ACU!!
    Big GOD! Love all of you!
